


Promising student leaders who are committed to participating in North Park University’s recreational cheer and dance teams are invited to audition for annually renewable scholarships of up to $1,000. Women and men in these three groups bolster the University’s team spirit at athletic competitions and perform at community events and competitions throughout the year. These teams have full use of North Park’s state-of-the-art 海威格娱乐中心. (Please note that these groups are not intercollegiate athletic teams; as a NCAA Division III university, 北公园学校不能提供体育奖学金.)


Each of the three teams has specific scholarship application and audition requirements (see below). 要申请奖项,您需要提交一份 试镜视频 遵循你选择的团队的指导方针. 为了获得奖学金, you must be admitted to North Park University and intending to enroll in the upcoming fall term.

如果你被选中获得奖学金, it will be renewable with continued participation on your cheer, 或舞蹈队在北公园学习长达四年, 只要你符合以下准则:

  • Participating on your selected team for the entire academic year
  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at North Park University (at least 12 semester hours in each of the fall and spring semesters)
  • Maintaining academic eligibility and adhering to team standards
  • Attending all scheduled practices on a regular basis, including weekdays and weekends
  • Performing with your team at games and competitions throughout the year

Any award for cheer or dance is in addition to other scholarships and grants for which you may qualify; winning one of these awards will not diminish other scholarship amounts. 你的实际奖金数额将列在你的 经济援助授予信.

If you wish to participate on more than one of these teams, 你可以申请每个类别的奖学金. 然而, you can only be awarded a scholarship for participation in one group (though you are welcome to audition for and participate in other groups as well).

You must submit your scholarship application materials for these scholarships by 2024年4月15日. Learn more about the requirements for each category below. 一旦你准备好了,点击下面的应用.


最多三元一,000 scholarships are available each year for students who participate in the co-ed Viking Cheer Team. This athletic performance program is open to women and men of all skill levels, 从初学者到专家. The only requirement is that you’re ready to work hard and have fun.

Viking Cheerleaders support North Park athletes at home football 还有篮球比赛, and also compete at cheer events during the spring semester.

应用 for a cheer scholarship by submitting a video audition that meets the following guidelines by April 15:

  • 相应的着装(发型), 服装, makeup); make sure there are no elements that distract from your performance. 简单往往是最好的选择.
  • 最长的视频长度应该是2到4分钟
    • Begin the video with a brief introduction that includes your name, 家乡, 高中, 你欢呼/跳舞多久了
    • The first 30 seconds to 1 minute should be choreography of your choice that showcases your talents and strengths. 这一定是一个单独的表演(除了发育不良)
    • 剩余的视频时间(不超过三分钟), 展示你的其他技巧, 暴跌, 和技巧. 示例应该包括, 但不限于, 欢呼/运动, 暴跌, 跳(派克, 跨栏, toe-touch, 双toe-touch), 和发育不良(基础), backspot, 摩天观景轮, 男女同校(如果适用的话)

最多三元一,000 scholarships are available each year for students who participate in the Viking Dance Team. This co-ed dance performance program is open to students of all skill levels, 从初学者到专家. The dance team performs at a variety of men’s and women’s athletic events, 包括足球, 足球, 还有篮球比赛. The team also competes throughout the region during both the fall and spring seasons.

应用 for a dance scholarship by submitting a video audition that meets the following guidelines by April 15:

  • 相应的着装(发型), 服装, makeup); make sure there are no elements that distract from your performance. 简单往往是最好的选择.
  • 最长视频长度为4分钟
    • Begin the video with a brief introduction that includes your name, 家乡, 高中, 你欢呼/跳舞多久了
    • The first 30 seconds to 1 minute should be choreography of your choice that showcases your talents and strengths. 这一定是独唱. 没有团队视频将被考虑
    • 剩余的视频时间(不超过三分钟), 展示你的其他技巧, 暴跌, 和技巧. 示例应该包括, 但不限于, 双脚尖旋转(转身), 高踢, 飞跃, 扩展, fuetes, 暴跌, 嘻哈, 自由泳, 和摊位.

Scholarship announcements for each area will be made at team tryouts in the spring (dates to be announced). We encourage you to visit North Park over this weekend in order to participate in tryouts alongside other current and future students. 如果你不能参加选拔赛, 教练会的, 如果你允许的话, 使用你的奖学金面试视频作为你的选拔视频. You can indicate this on the scholarship application form.

Use our online cheer and dance team scholarship application to submit your 试镜视频 and personal information to 应用 for one of these competitive scholarships. 了解更多信息或有关试镜的问题, 联系Ericka Adams, 娱乐与健康主管, 通过电子邮件 或致电(773)244-5618.